
William’s confidence in the water has grown so much and I'm really pleased that he's now able to jump in and launch himself into the pool without being afraid. Beckie has been amazing at teaching and encouraging him - and the backstroke Lisa taught him at Downside is amazing! Thank you
Laura - Oct 2024
It's really a lovely and memorable experience to spend some time with you. Thanks very much. All the best.
Adult swimmer - Sept 2024
Just to let you know my daughter absolutely loves swimming lessons and the instructors are amazing 👏
Al - July 2024
After 4 wonderful years of swimming with you the time has come for us to move Sam into a club swimming track and as such will be starting with Team Bath in a couple of weeks. Sam has thoroughly enjoyed swimming with you, the teaching standard has been excellent throughout and it will feel very strange to not journey up the hill on a Sunday morning to bring Sam swimming. Thank you for turning Sam into a super swimmer, I will always remember his first session with you where I think we all thought he might drown, lol!
Sarah 2024
Both my children have had such fantastic lessons from your team over the years and we are really pleased with how they can now swim so thank you so much for everything you have all done.
Catrin 2024
Hello everyone - its been an amazing few years but its time for me to move on :) I am now confidently swimming 500m breaststroke without stopping 3x a week. I am going to miss it sooooooooo much!!!!! A big thank you to Rhian, Beckie, Caitlin,  Lisa and Holly, it really has been lifechanging, I never thought I would be here :) don't forget about me!!!!!!!!
Steph 2024
Logan had a wonderful time! My husband took him and he couldn’t say more positive things about Michelle and the whole session! Logan is really looking forward to coming again on Sunday! Thank you so much for all your help.
Lorna 2024
Just wanted to give a bit of positive feedback.
This evening Arthur was drawing a card for a sick relative of a beach scene and without prompting he drew a black and white chequered beach flag. We have never discussed beach flags so it must be from a session with you guys where we discussed them about six months ago. The knowledge goes in and makes them safer!
Julia 2023
Thanks so much, Seeing Finn confidently hop in the pool and start swimming after not being near a pool for over two years due to lockdown and family shielding, it was the most incredible thing and I was so grateful that you have given him the confidence and security to just believe he could do it with no prior experience.
I have attended the intensive course the first week in August (5days). My instructor was Lisa, I really enjoyed her explanation and classes. I improved very quickly and I feel more confident in the water after the lessons. I would love to carry on with beginners lesson to keep improving and challenging myself.
Adult beginner swimmer
A huge thank you to everyone (particularly the AMAZING Lisa), who have helped my daughter progress over the last few years. She's come on massively in the time that she's been swimming with you at Prior and really enjoys the independence she now has in the water. We hope SwimCentral continues to go from strength to strength.
Just wanted to say we loved Kelly and I thought she was a fantastic teacher!
We’d just like to say Kelly was fabulous! Both my boys had such super lessons - they were both beaming and kept talking about the fun new things they’d learnt and wanting to try them again. We noticed a real improvement. Thank you
Swimcentral is a fantastic, inclusive, swim school. My children love their lessons, and are making great progress. They are really looking forward to their holiday lessons this summer at Prior Park. Thank you.
Dr. K. MacDonald
William has been amazing at teaching my 5 year old how to swim. Due to covid she had little experience of water and was quite nervous and upset the first lesson but after she was happy and wanted to go back the following week. My daughters confidence has grown and it’s thanks to the team.
Anna Hawker
"Our daughter has been swimming with Lisa at SwimCentral for a year. We tried an intensive week last summer at Prior Park and have subsequently had  weekly group swimming lessons at the RUH. Having lost swimming lesson opportunities over the Pandemic, Lisa was able to work with our daughter to build her confidence and skills in the pool. Lisa is kind, patient, encouraging and very responsive to any concerns/correspondence.  It's been such a delight to see our daughter's confidence sky rocket and for her to leave beaming after each lesson, we cannot thank you enough. "
My son is really enjoying his classes so far though, and said that this is "the best swimming class he's ever had."

Just to say a huge thank you to you for all your hard work over the last 18 months.  It must have been so hard at times and stressful but we always knew you had the welfare and safety of the children at heart and that has given us confidence to come back to swimming.

Sophie has loved the lessons she’s had and has made great progress.  We can’t wait for September classes.

We wish you a lovely summer!

Anna Beeton
I just wanted to say thank you for a superb term of swimming – Ben is a fantastic teacher, and we are very grateful. Have a great end to the term and Summer. See you next term.
Sarah Williams
We are doing the Sunday 1015 session up at the RUH and we've been fortunate enough that Becky was supporting Olivia and was able to help Emily be more comfortable at getting in the water whilst Olivia taught the class.
With Becky's help Emily has gone from sitting on the side of the pool refusing to get in. To hanging out on the steps at varying depths of water and last week we spent the whole lesson in with the rest of the class.
So thanks to Becky, Emily looks forward to swimming each week and we are excited about continuing to learn with Olivia.
Please can you pass our thanks on to Becky.
My daughters attend the stage 4 class with Ben on Sunday morning (11am) at Prior Park school in Bath. I wanted to feedback that he is excellent and the girls are really coming on as a result.
Prior Park College -  Great job by the way. So organised, so clean there too. It was all noticed and commented on by a few parents. Keep going!
Bertie had a great first session last Sunday at Prior park- just wish we had come to you sooner!
Anna Langley
Wanted to write a few words saying how thrilled we are with Jacks classes. Rachel is fabulous and picked up on Jacks weaknesses very quickly and works on them in a very positive encouraging manner and it is obvious how well he responds to her teaching. We feel very lucky to be in her class.
Lucy Hills
The team at Bath Swim Central are ace. During covid, they have been really great and have done a really good job in difficult circumstances. We are really happy we are able to take the kids swimming each week. Well done all of you x
Suzi Witt

I highly recommend Swimcentral lessons. I completed the Adult Advanced course in Autumn 2019, just in time for my first Half Ironman. I was a capable breaststroke swimmer but need to improve and more importantly, to move over to front crawl – for Triathlon ‘open water’ swims. The class size was right and you have enough personal attention and got to know the other swimmers. The style of training was excellent and our coach Lisa was brilliant – very encouraging and always had something else to help you improve !. The course really helped me develop the skills and stamina that I needed. Before the course I could swim one length free style but was so exhausted and out of breath, I had to stop. After the course, I was happily swimming 20 lengths comfortably and confidently. I maintained this every week and did well in my triathlon. Thanks.

I’m missing swimming now, with the lockdown, but look forward to getting back in the pool and practising the skills you taught me.

Matthew Croft
No birthdays coming soon but just wanted to say a massive thank you for all the work you guys do! I know these are unsettling time but you'll always have a loyal costumer here!
Many thanks and hopefully see you soon!
Nuno Aguiar
I will look forward to lessons starting again hopefully in the not to distant future. Thanks to Lisa for getting me more confident in the pool, I can now put my face in and swim, which I’ve never been able to do before.
We are super happy with our lessons and Beckie, and Peter is coming on a treat .
So so so much good and deep work being done with him. We are so grateful!
I have thoroughly enjoyed my adult lessons since the start of the year, and can see real improvement.
Please can you pass on my thanks to Gemma, who was an excellent teacher, calm, caring and clear.
Matt Vaudin
Thanks very much for a fantastic year of swimming. Lisa is amazing. Charlie loves the classes. She has made all the difference. Many thanks.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
We both just wanted to say how amazing you have been Lisa and thank you for pushing him and giving him the confidence to go for it! The change in a year has been incredible, achieving his 50m distance badge and knowing he had 100m in him has just been wonderful to watch. You have really got the best out of him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Amy Budd
Swimmer of the week. This has made our day! Many thanks to Becky, she is an amazing swimming teacher!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Alice Henderson
I just wanted to drop you a quick email to let you know that my daughter is now a different child - as far as swimming is concerned anyway! She’s a world away from the nervous little person who started lessons with you at the start of 2018 - she now loves swimming and has swum so much over the summer hols that she managed 4 lengths of the big pool. And thanks to her big cousins on holiday, she’s even diving in to the deep end (under supervision of course!) We’ve enrolled her for stage 5 with Sonny and the first lesson went really well. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to you for helping her get her confidence back - without those early lessons up at RUH and your gentle and fun approach I’m absolutely sure she wouldn’t be as happy in the water as she now is!
As a novice with swimming, I would advise anyone who may want to learn to have Kelly as an instructor. Kelly skilfully breaks down the communication for one’s understanding. Additionally, she breaks any barriers that may hinder the progress of the individual. Her swimming sessions are tailored to one’s capability. She uses simple techniques to teach one how to swim. She is kind, encouraging, always giggling, patient and a pleasure to have her as an instructor. I never thought I could swim as an adult but I am.
Barbara Sowety
Kelly’s expert tuition has taken me from a non- swimmer to intermediate swimmer in 6 months. Her intuitive and encouraging manner of teaching has enabled me to conquer my fears in a way I would never have believed possible. I would highly recommend Kelly as a swimming teacher.
Julie Blackman
After reaching my 40's I decided it was time to learn to swim, I have a 3 year old daughter who we take to the pool and I didn't want her to pick up on my fear of the water. I plucked up the courage and booked 1 to 1 swimming lessons with Kelly at Swim Central and haven't looked back. Right from the beginning Kelly made me feel confident, pushed me to keep trying and suggested different methods when she saw I was struggling. I can now swim front crawl, have been at the deep end of a pool (never thought that would happen!) and happily take my daughter swimming without any fear. Kelly is an amazing patient instructor and I would 100% recommend her to anyone.
Cassi Gough
I have really enjoyed my swimming lessons with Kelly. When I first started it had been a long time since I had been in a swimming pool and I was very nervous of the water and putting my face in, but with Kelly's patient and encouraging manner, and clear instructions I cannot believe how much more confident I am in the water.
Kelly is a fantastic swimming teacher - she helped me overcome my fear of swimming very quickly and I am now becoming much more confident putting my head under water and breathing. I am certain I could not have made such good progress without Kelly's support. Her lessons are fun, with loads of practical advice and tips and lots of encouragement.
Elsa has insisted on a bath tonight to practice froggie legs (bless!) and then ended up in tears because she didn't dare put her face in the water but wanted to "challenge herself" (her words, she didn't get that from us!). She did get her chin and over her nose in (but not eyes even with goggles on), which I think is awesome! Oh and she wants a bath every night (usually twice a week) so she can practice, I love that she is so enthusiastic!
Alice Hoyle
Rufus really enjoyed his swimming lessons, so thanks so much! I was amazed to see him having a go at everything, and he told me that his favourite thing about the lesson (other than playtime!) was when he put his face under the water....which I have never seen him do before so willingly :)
Thanks so much for giving Mia such an excellent start to her swimming. We are proud and impressed with her progress. I am hoping to cram in a couple of sessions with both of my rascals over the holidays so that progress for both children continues.
Clare Webb
Thank you so much for all you have done, you are such a lovely teacher! My son now enjoys going into the pool, and he is really determined to tackle the swimming …
Both of our children have been taught to swim by Kelly and we all think that she is brilliant. She relates really well to the children and deals with a whole range of abilities fantastically. She really holds their interest and maintains good behaviour despite never having to get cross or raise her voice. Thomas and Emma have made really good progress from children who were a bit afraid of the water to children who are now able to swim much better than me and who most importantly really enjoy it. She is also really well organised, the progress reports are appreciated Kelly has always been very helpful and efficient during the booking process.
Tim and Lucy Hewson
Kelly has had a huge positive impact on my daughters through her incredible swimming lessons. My eldest daughter was very nervous around water and was hesitant to go into a pool and now she is fully confident and loves swimming, it has increased her confidence in and out of the pool. The impact of having a continuous swimming teacher cannot be under estimated it makes the world of a difference.
Rachel Sayles
Our two girls couldn’t be happier learning to swim with Kelly. She’s kind, patient and professional – the perfect teacher for children who thrive with a gentler approach to teaching. They’ve come on in leaps and bounds!
Jess Fenghali-Brown
Kelly at Swimcentral has been an amazing swimming teacher for our two boys. She has a natural way with the kids, an inventive and fun approach, and never loses enthusiasm despite back to back classes. Both of our boys look forward to swimming with Kelly and have gained both a huge amount of confidence in the water, and real swimming skills. We cannot recommend her highly enough.
Katie and Rob McGowan
You are doing wonderful work with the children; Thomas is enjoying his swimming lessons very much. As you have noticed and mentioned in the report he needs to think, and work out something, before he can actually do it ... nevertheless he is very determined about learning to swim!
I wanted to say a big thanks for your amazing teaching and getting the twins so far with their swimming.
Sarah Nicholson